Stellar Pass 3.0

by Stellar Mapan Consortium

Health & Fitness


STELLAR PASS 3.0 NEW FEATURES:1. REQUEST NEW PACKAGESelect and buy the desired package directly in the application.2. UPLOAD PAYMENT RECEIPTUpload proof of payment and get a payment confirmation email.3. SHARE REFERRAL CODECopy and Share your own Referral Code to various social media platforms and get a FREE SESSION according to the applicable T&C.4. COACH LISTContains a list of Coach names along with ratings and original testimonials from the coach members.5. RATE & REVIEW COACHExpress your satisfaction and comments about your exercise experience with Coach by giving a Rate & Review after completing the package.6. ON-GOING PROMO BANNERSee and enjoy the current promo.7. REQUEST CHANGE COACHWant to try the experience with other coaches? Please select this feature!